Tutoring Services

"Peer Tutoring helped immensely with my papers and writing skills." - University of Redlands student

Tutoring is provided both in-person and online.  

Make an appointment with a Peer Tutor

Peer tutoring (Subject and Writing) at the University of Redlands is provided at no cost for students attending the University. Tutoring assistance can be utilized in most academic subjects at the University.

All Academic Success Center Peer Tutors strive to:

  • Empower students to become independent learners by helping them develop study skills such as note-taking, time management, and test-taking skills.

  • Provide a supportive environment where students can become more confident about their own abilities.

  • Encourage students to take responsibility for their own education.

  • Provide a safe, welcoming space. 

If you're interested in becoming a tutor, click here to view current tutor employment openings.

International Tutor Training Program Certification

The Academic Success Center Peer Tutoring Program is certified by the College Reading and Learning Association’s (CRLA) International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC). Tutors in our program participate in a rigorous training within their first two semesters that qualifies them for the CRLA ITTPC level 1 tutor certification. This level 1 certification allows the program to require and ensure a level of professionalism, mentoring abilities, and experience from our tutors that, in turn, ensures students receive a high quality level of tutoring and support.

For more information on Subject and/or Writing Tutoring, please select from the links below:

Subject Tutoring

Writing Tutoring

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